Kids Table: School Year

We envision a community where every child is nourished and has an equal opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed.

Kids Table


Missoula Food Bank & Community Center partners with after-school programs in providing nutritious meals and snacks for kids.

Students access meals through after-school programs including EmPower Place, Parks and Recreation, Boys & Girls Club, and GUTS!

Kids Table School Day

Kids Table School Day is a partnership with schools around Missoula County to provide students with additional snacks during the day, to help them to stay engaged with their academics. Each week therapists & school counselors receive bulk food items for students they work closely with to munch on, ensuring another point of access for students to stay nourished and ready to learn.

Out of School

On days when there are no classes throughout the school year, like winter break and spring break, we serve free lunches on our Kids Eat Free Bus and free breakfasts & lunches onsite in EmPower Place. 

See this year's meal schedule below:

Exclusive Dairy Sponsor

Want to get involved with Kids Table?

Get connected with Ashley, our Childhood Nutrition & Programs Coordinator at 406.541.0785

Facts On
Food Insecurity

Meals Outside of School

Throughout the past school year, Missoula Food Bank & Community Center volunteers made 80,806 after school meals to be served at about 21 different after-school program sites. Plus, volunteers made 2,356 breakfasts and 3,297 lunches to be served on out of school days.