Anti-Racism Taskforce
MFB&CC is a non-partisan, anti-racist, LGBTQ2S + ally organization
Anti-Racism Task Force
The Anti-Racism Task force engages at the invitation of the community to address the reasons why people come through our doors. Exploring the intersectional identities that we all hold, members of the Anti-Racism task force put people before politics to get to the root of barriers to food access.
What we have done:
- Documentary Screening at the Roxy Theater of “Who We Are; A Chronicle of Racism in America”
- Equity speakers for Local Businesses
- Planning boards
What we are doing:
- Providing feedback and guidance around the process to recruit, hire and onboard a new Director of Equity.
Where are we going?
- Supporting MFB&CC as we work through the recommendations made in our 2024 Equity Audit
Facts On
Food Insecurity
Systemic Inequities 2
While BIPOC Missoulians account for 11.6% of the population, they are disproportionately represented in our services at 19.3%