We envision a community that embraces food justice where those most impacted are a leading voice in the solutions to poverty and hunger.

FEAST (Food, Education, Equity, Advocacy, Support, Together)
February 6th: 12-2pm
March 6th: 12-2pm
Join us for a meal and conversation to learn more about advocacy and how our state government works. Tate and Ashlee (MFB&CC staff members) will give a high-level overview of how our government works, provide information on how to contact legislators, and will answer questions you might have about how our political system works. Lunch will be served during the event.
Facts On
Food Insecurity
1 in 5
We currently serve 1 in 5 people in Missoula County – nearly 25,000 individuals and 7,500 households – through our choice-model store, rural satellite pantries and special programs serving children and seniors.